Adele Keefe
Kaitiaki ō Mana Whānau
I am a survivor of domestic violence and sexual abuse who has overcome and been strengthened from the journey. I have the heart and the passion to encourage and support Wāhine to heal, grow and transform into the Mana Wāhine they were always created to be.
As the saying goes
"It takes a village to raise a child"
So it takes a Tribe of Mana Wāhine to build another!

Anthony Harris
Trustee and Chair of Mana Whānau Charitable Trust
Anthony Harris has become a Trustee and Chair. An Aucklander who had lived in Tauranga for some 20 years he met his Italian wife there and relocated to her home town of Nelson a year ago. He brings a mixture of commercial and governance experience. Anthony has a heart passionate towards Mana Whanau, the willingness of the other Trustees to grapple with and love those for whom life has brought acute trauma, and their guidance on the road of restoration.
Eugenie Connolly
Trustee of Mana Whānau Charitable Trust
My personal journey has been Kotahitanga for over 30 years. I have been a Mentor and Activator for Wāhine and my deep desire is to see Women flourish in their own Identity and Reach their highest potential, as in my own experience, create a place to stand Turangawaewae.